The Qalam Academy

Where knowledge, practicality, and spiritual growth meet.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ, said, 
“Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.” [Bukhari] 
Our purpose is to empower individuals of all backgrounds through accessible and foundational Islamic knowledge, tailored to diverse demographics, fostering lifelong learning and personal growth. 

Begin your journey in Islamic Knowledge today. 
Adult education, Learning Pathway #1

Qur'anic Literacy Program


Courses in this track enable students to engage deeply with the Qurʾan through immersion in Allah's ‎ﷻ divine words, appreciation of Arabic's beauty, and improved recitation skills. Offered both in-person and online, the program aims to provide a strong foundation in Qurʾanic understanding and fluency, allowing participants to connect with the sacred text meaningfully and confidently. New courses are offered each term, allowing students to build comprehension, reading fluency, and literacy of different parts of the Qur’an. Students are provided with weekly slides, notes, and workbooks. 

Common Inquiries

Are classes in this program recorded and available for students? 
Yes, all classes are recorded and available to students within 24 hours in their student portal. 

Is there a certification for this learning track? 

No, there is no certificate offered; new courses are offered each term with some repetition.

Is there any timing overlap for courses between tracks? 

Yes, some courses between the Qur'anic Literacy and Associates program may overlap; however students may use recordings to catch up on missed content. 

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Adult education cOURSES

Qur'anic Literacy Program

Adult education, learning pathway #2

The Associates Program


This track consists of courses which allow students to develop a firm Islamic foundation through a systemized curriculum that covers five areas of study:
1. Doctrines of Faith
2. Scripture (Qurʾan/Sunnah)
3. Framework of Islam
4. Islamic History
5. Application (Essential Worship and Spiritual Development).

These core areas are incorporated across twelve courses spanning fall and spring academic terms. Fall courses are only offered during the fall and likewise for Spring term classes.

All courses are in one-hour blocks, once a week, with two to three assessments per term and are evaluated on a Pass/Fail scale. Students have the flexibility to attend onsite or online via the student portal and all courses are recorded. 


What are the certificate requirements? 
Students must successfully pass all twelve Associates courses in order to qualify to receive the Certificate. Fall courses are only offered in the fall and likewise for Spring term.

Can students take a course in this track even if they do not wish to pursue the Associates certificate?
Yes, students can enroll in just one or more courses even if they choose to not be part of the Associates certificate program.

How do I choose which courses to enroll in?  

Some factors we encourage students to consider are: class timings, potential schedule conflicts, subjects of interest, and workload. We typically advise working professionals to take three courses per term which allows them to complete the certificate over two years. 

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ADult Education COURSES

The Associates Program

Staff & Admin


